Start the Day with a Laugh

Thursday, November 3, 2011

It's always good to start your day on a positive note, I think.

For our next book club meeting we are reading Bossypants by Tina Fey. I read it on my Nook during my commute to and from work each day. I have been enjoying the book in it's entirety (with a thumbs up to many chapters, one of which being Don Fey), but today I found it particularly funny.

The current section I'm reading talks about the creation and process of casting 30 Rock. I have never actually watched the show, but am pretty sure I will add it to my DVR when I get home. Tina discusses how they came about writing the show, and the various comedians that have contributed. She gave several people 'MVP' jokes and quoted them throughout the chapter. Seriously, hysterical. The Loyola basketball player sitting next to me who was studying for some business class on his laptop surely thought I was a crazy person, and possibly somewhat distracting as he kept discretely (not so much) staring at me.

Picture it. Headphones in ears. Nook in hands. Laughing so hard I'm crying. Not even kidding.

If you're ready for a new read and are looking for something lighthearted, I highly recommend Bossypants by Tina Fey.

Happy reading!

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