Chasing, Chasing Our Future: Second Edition

Saturday, April 13, 2013

There are two things I love about reading Mallory's posts about motherhood. First, they usually include adorable photos of Noelle. What Cammy doesn't like that! And, secondly, they remind me of my experiences raising Mallory and Erica. The latest entry about sleeping through the night brought back a lot of memories. Steve was so adamant about this issue. A stranger might have thought he was obsessed with parenting and looked forward to sharing his observations and learnings with others for the betterment of society. But actually he was really just tired.

A similar issue and one shared by most parents everywhere throughout time is the issue of the pacifier. To use or not to use. And, perhaps more importantly, how to get rid of it! With both girls, this painful ritual was kicked off with a visit to the dentist (who takes enough flack, not to mention getting bit by kids; but we did kick the dentist right under the bus on this one).

Anyway, with Mallory, we made our first dentist visit at which time the dentist offered the caution that, over time, the pacifier would possibly cause problems with alignment and that would not be good. The whole way home in the car, we talked about the visit and that, sadly, it was probably time to say farewell to the "bubby." I actually made Mallory go to her room, get the bubby and, while I lifted the lid on the trash can in the garage, she threw it in while I chanted (like a mantra) "the dentist said we have to get rid of the bubby."

That night was AWFUL. The end.

*You can view Cammy's first edition here.

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